Things I’ve made trying to put my dent in the universe.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.

  • Prompt Tools

    Prompt templating and string substitution tool to make life easier with LLMs

  • Stock Fomo

    See how an investment in a stock couple of years ago would turn out to be today(UI Demo only)

  • Skipp - Netflix, Prime, Hotstar

    Auto skip ads, intros, recaps and play next episode from Netflix, Prime and Hotstar so you dont have to get up from your couch


  • i18n Translator

    Provide i18n en file as input and convert it to any lanugage of choice using puppeteer and google translate

  • AWS Sam Boilerplate

    A boiler plate to get started on a serverless application using aws lambda, sqs, api-gateway and deploy using aws sam